I have a Story to Complete

See Part 1 of this Story: Can’t take my eyes off you

On a particular day, while preparing for a college exam, I meticulously reviewed all the mathematical concepts. It’s important to mention that, up until that moment, my enthusiasm for math Olympiads had waned. So, when I sat down to take the math test, I was well-acquainted with the questions and had practiced them extensively. However, I found myself unable to decipher how to solve them. I couldn’t fathom what had gone wrong.

A profound sense of betrayal washed over me, making it the most unbearable betrayal I had ever experienced. I felt utterly blank, overwhelmed by a profound emptiness within me. My approach to math had been rote memorization rather than proper comprehension, and the realization hit me hard. Yes, I shed tears—many of them.

But in that moment of despair, a flicker of hope emerged. It was a glimmer of belief that I could rediscover my passion for mathematics. Unfortunately, it dawned on me that it was too late for a fresh start. The opportunity to participate in the Olympics as a mathematician had slipped my grasp, forever out of reach.

Mathematics has always held a special place in my heart, and that remains true to this day. Whenever I encounter mathematical challenges, an irresistible urge to solve them washes over me. However, my approach has evolved significantly since the days of rote memorization that led to my previous despair. Now, it’s about delving deep into the intricacies of mathematics and understanding its profound implications.

Currently, I find myself in the security field, and it’s a remarkable twist of fate that I genuinely cherish. It brings me immense joy to discover that mathematics is at the core of my work. Cryptography and artificial intelligence have become my daily companions as I strive to ensure security. Applying mathematics in the realm of security not only reignites my passion for the subject but also fills me with a sense of excitement and purpose. It’s a journey where love and coincidence converge, and I couldn’t be happier to be so intimately connected to mathematics once again.

I humbly express my gratitude to Allah for making this possible. My earnest desire is to delve deeper into mathematics and apply its principles in every field I venture into.

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