Categories Development

I have a Story to Complete

See Part 1 of this Story: Can’t take my eyes off you On a particular day, while preparing for a college exam, I meticulously reviewed all the mathematical concepts. It’s important to mention that, up until that moment, my enthusiasm for math Olympiads had waned. So, when I sat…

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Categories Development

The Art of Negotiation

Diplomacy 101 Four Team Qualities that Yield Results Tactical Empathy Try to think like your coworkers and put yourself in their shoes. Ask them what their goals, fears, and wants are. We should think about strategic grandiosity when we know how our counterpart is going to think. Set…

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Categories Development

We All Fail

You will fail. – This is true everywhere. Failure is both normal and necessary. Personal growth often comes from the challenges we face along the way. Yet, many people view failure as a cloud of negative emotions looming over them. But failure is an essential part of learning,…

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Categories Development

How I Led!

The moment you give up, is the moment you let someone else win. – Kobe Bryant I’ve never been one to give up. Every experience, whether a success or a challenge, has taught me something valuable and shaped who I am today. From balancing fun with responsibility to…

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Categories Cybersecurity

Safeguarding Your Everyday Technology

Our technologies are connected and the technology that we use is part and parcel of our everyday life. We constantly use different connected technologies for making our lives better. But we care less when we actually think about the security regarding that particular technology. Locking your device is…

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Categories Experience

Can’t Take My Eyes off You

Foreword I’ve loved since I was a child. People who know me might not be able to figure out how what I’m about to say is related to me. If you read this, you might think I’m a nerd. But I like to say, “You are an intellectual…

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